Aug 22, 2010


What is this world coming to! Ever heard that? Ever said that? We look around us sometimes and the words of Dorothy come to mind, "Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore". We live in an ever changing world. A world that has the propensity to drift further and further from God. Its no wonder that the Bible describes this world we're in as "darkness". Not only are we called to shine our light in this world, we're suppose to raise our families in the midst of it.
Psalms 127
Unless the LORD builds the house,

its builders labor in vain.
Unless the LORD watches over the city,
the watchmen stand guard in vain

There are many aspects of our culture that work against a Godly home. How strong do you think a threat is to your family?
  • Our culture's low view of love, often reducing it to only sensuality
  • Alcohol
  • Obsession with self
  • Stress, over commitment
  • Television, media, technology
  • Pornography
Our church started a new series today called "Homewreckers". I look forward to learning more ways to safeguard my family. I believe God, his word, and teaching our children the scriptures are only a few ways to keep in the light, in the midst of the darkness.